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Everything Aligns Monthly Membership


Everything Aligns Monthly Membership

We have created this Monthly Membership to remind you that you are never alone on your journey.


To remind you that you have the power within to lead from, to guide yourself, to trust yourself and to create the life of your dreams.

The focus of this membership is Soul-Work.

To connect with your Soul deeply each month, to learn its unique voice and style of communication so that you can start to lead from this place and live a soul-led life.


Each month members receive astrological guidance, tarot guidance, rituals, and soul-based work.

It's about 
  • Aligning yourself with and taking advantage of the powerful cosmic energies that are happening in our skies and flowing through us.


  • Committing to yourself, your growth, your healing and your life.


  • Making this year count, month by month.


  • Deep alignment with your Soul.


  • Filling ourselves up, so that we can pour love into the rest of our lives.


  • Showing up, month by month, stepping into our power and coming home to ourselves.

Your soul commitment to yourself
No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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